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Welcome to Power Hour Party
1.Any action you take on the YouTube videos (pause, volume, scrubbing the timeline) will not translate to other people in the party.
2. The Power Hour Host is the only one that can pause the Power Hour or skip songs.
3.Out of sync or things looking weird? Try refreshing your browser to rejoin.
4.Join us on Discord to report errors and make Power Hour friends.
Choose a Username
Or logging in will earn you experience
Welcome to Interval Playlist Party
1.Any action you take on the YouTube videos (pause, volume, scrubbing the timeline) will not translate to other people in the party.
2. The Interval Playlist Host is the only one that can pause the Interval Playlist or skip songs.
3.Out of sync or things looking weird? Try refreshing your browser to rejoin.
4.Join us on Discord to report errors and make Interval Playlist friends.
5.If you're entering the Party midway, your video will sync on the next video that plays.
Choose a Username
Or logging in will earn you experience

Please us the following form to send us feedback


Playlist Interval settings changes are coming soon.... sorry.
Setup Your Quick Start Intervals Playlist
Submit your YouTube Playlist URL, choose how many songs to play from it, and how long each song will play.
Copy/Paste a YouTube Playlist URL:
Quick YouTube genre playlist search:
How many songs should we play from your chosen playlist?
Shuffle the tracks?
How long before the song changes?
Allow other people to join your Interval Playlist? (So random people can join)
(You must be registered with us to HOST a party. It's FREE.)
Hide the upcoming tracks?
Sound between tracks:
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